Precious Metals
We Buy and Sell Gold, Silver, Platinum!
We’re educated and knowledgeable in buying and selling all precious metals. If you have precious metals, such as gold, silver and platinum in any form that would like to assess, please set an appointment today and we would be happy to give you a complete breakdown, value assessment, and offer.
This could include bars, coins, silverware, collectibles and other pieces that you may believe are made of precious metals.
If you are not sure if what you own is made out of precious metals, please let us help you determine that and get a complete valuation of what you own.

Buying and Selling with Confidence
Metal Testing
Utilizing standard magnetic tests with industry tools helps determine the the genuine nature of your precious metals. This becomes more important as some jewelry may contain multiple metals that are sometimes designed to look similar. This results in certainty of the entire piece.
Property Identification
We thoroughly inspect hallmarks that determine item origin, makers mark, office the metal was test in, year and the designer. Our extensive knowledge on properly identifying markings can give you the complete picture and authenticity of your precious metals.
Determine Purity
You can expect the inclusion of a "GF" or "GP" after the purity marketing to accurately gauge the karat number. We can utilize an acid test to determine purity as well in the event that we cannot determine it from markings. The purity is one of the main ingredients in determining your gold and silver value.
Set an Appointment
Get a complete understand of what you own and it’s worth today!